Sunday, November 15, 2009

Random Thoughts

Every once in awhile, while we're going about our daily routine, every person in the world has some of the most random, out of the blue thoughts...some that actually make us stop and laugh...thinking "what the hell was that?". I know I do it about 4 or 5 times a day...if not more.

I received these via email from a very good friend and I thought I'd post it up here for the world to reflect on. Leave a comment with your most random thoughts and we'll keep the world laughing.

Things everybody thinks about...

  • I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.

  • Nothing sucks more than that moment during an arguement when you realize you're wrong.

  • I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger.

  • There is great need for a sarcasm font.

  • How the hell are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?

  • Was learning cursive really necessary?

  • MapQuest really needs to start their directions on #5. I'm pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.

  • Obituaries would be a lot more interesting if they told you how the person died.

  • I can't remember the last time I wasn't at least kind of tired.

  • Bad decisions make good stories.

  • You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment when you know that you just aren't going to do anything productive for the rest of the day.

  • Can we all just agree to ignore whatever comes after Blue Ray? I don't want to have to restart my collection...again.

  • I'm always slightly terrified when I exit out of Word and it asks me if I want to save any changes to my ten-page research paper that I swear I did not make any changes to.

  • "Do not machine wash or tumble dry" means I will never wash this -- ever.

  • I hate when I just miss a call by the last ring (Hello? Hello? Damn it!), but when I immediately call back, it rings nine times and goes to voicemail. What'd you do after I didn't answer? Drop the phone and run away?

  • I hate leaving my house confident and looking good and then not seeing anyone of importance the entire day. What a waste.

  • I keep some people's phone numbers in my phone just so I know not to answer when they call.

  • My 4-year old son asked me in the car the other day "What would happen if you ran over a ninja?" How the hell do I respond to that?

  • I think the freezer deserves a light as well...

  • I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet on any given Friday or Saturday night more kisses begin with Miller Lites than Kay.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Women, Hip Hop, and 50 Cent

Some people remember exactly what they were doing when the towers fell. Some remember exactly what they were doing when Pac got shot, when Pac died, when Biggie got shot. I do too. But what I really remember is what I was doing the first time I heard a 50 Cent record.

I was working in Subway in Decatur, GA and was outside having a cigarette when my homeboy pulled into the parking lot blasting a hot mixtape. I could tell from the start that it wasn't any rapper from Atlanta. I'm from Youngstown, OH and though technically we're the Midwest, we were closer to the northern states than the southern ones so I liked NY rap. Nas, Jay-Z, DMX and Em (he reps the Midwest too)...that's what I was listening too. So of course, I stole the CD from my homeboy, yes, that's right, I stole it. I'd never heard of 50 Cent but I liked him. But the only time I ever heard his music was if my friend came by with the new 50 joint. They definitely weren't playing him on the radio stations in the A.

Months later I moved to Hampton, VA. 50 Cent was a little more well known up there and then he dropped Wanksta and it was a wrap. Then Em dropped "Lose Yourself" and I flipped. It was the hottest record out, to me and as soon as the 8 Mile soundtrack was released I bought it. Then what do you know, I'm driving down the street, listening to my new CD and almost got in a damn car accident. I heard 50's voice on 'Love Me' and again on 'Places to Go' and on 'Rap Game', and finally on 'Wanksta'. I was in hip-hop heaven. I listened to that CD everyday, all day, like it was the only CD I owned. I found myself enraptured with his voice, his attitude, damn near everything about the way he rhymed. I wanted more. Everyone in my house (my niece, mother, and sister) like him from day one. We didn't know his story; we didn't know anything about him. We didn't know and didn't care. We liked what we heard and we liked what we saw.

When Get Rich...came out I bought 3 copies, one for me, my 48 yr old mother, and my sister. Hearing the CD seemed to make things feel right, like everything was good in the rap game now. I knew from track one that 50 was going to be hot. I wasn't wrong. 50 is one of the best lyricists out there. He surpasses many and I’m not going to name any names but we all know who he's better than.

As a woman who loves hip-hop and has for a very long time, I pride myself in being able to tell the good from the great and 50 isn't just good. He's one of the greatest. 50 changed the game with Get Rich...No, I take that back, he didn't change it; he merely brought it back to the level it was once at. He brought the realness back. He took it out of the studio and back to the streets where it belongs. When DMX came with It's Dark...I felt the same way.

Let's face the facts here. Rap has changed. It's not even its own genre anymore. It all seems like good club music, stuff you can dance to or sing to. I'm getting real tire of hearing about bling and making it rain. I can't relate to million dollar cars, $5000 bottles of champagne and stupid shit like that. I don't want to hear about it all of the time. I want to put on a rap CD that talks about what I see outside my window, everyday. About the struggle to make it because that's what I’m going through. I want to hear about someone who made it from the same place I did. Shit, I paid $15 for the CD. Tell me something I want to hear! Inspire me!

From day one, that's what rap WAS about. Rappers use to speak from the soul, not about some shit they stole out of a movie. But that went away and fans are starting to get bored. 50 has shed a bright light on what hip-hop really is and that's why so many out there copy his style. He's serious when he flows, whether he's laughing or not. He can rap about so many different topics and switch up his flow so easily, it's impossible to guess what he's going to do next. That’s what makes him hot. That’s why we love him.

People, especially men, act like they don't understand why women love 50 Cent. They think it's the muscles and money. Let me hip you to some game and the real reason we love 50 Cent. We love him because he's special. We love his smile, how he walks, how he talks, how he looks, that's the truth. There are some who really want to meet him at the hotel and see his 'magic stick' but there are some who don't aspire to be hoes or groupies.

We love 50 because he needs to be loved. We want to hug him because he needs a hug. 50 invokes our womanly instincts. He makes us want to nurture him, to embrace him, and to look after him. Put one of 50's cds in and let it play. If you're a woman you'll feel things, things you've only felt for certain people in your life, people that you know and see everyday. You will feel proud of him, likes he's your son, brother, or man. You see how he's survived so much; you see how smart and successful he is. And if you're anything like me, you'll want to see him get bigger and bigger.

Compassion is normally an emotion that women reserve for those most deserving and it's hardly for a man. Most women believe that men ain't shit, ain't never gon be shit and aren't worth the effort. But every once in awhile there's one or two that we feel for. There’s that man that we know isn't a punk. He may be full of shit or a dog or just plain low down but we go out of our way to explain and justify his behavior. We do that for 50 too. We love this man who walks and talks like nothing bothers him. But we are clairvoyant. Did you think that was a myth? We see through bravado too. We KNOW he hurts, we KNOW he struggles. We hate that he was forced to be a man so early. We listen to him and hear his anger, the unshed tears, the pain. We feel for him. This is somebody's child. He has to say what he says and rap about what he does because he has to get that shit off his chest.

We feel that 50 needs to be taken care of. We want him to finally feel safe. We want him to have peace and be comfortable without his crew or bodyguards. We want to shake him and say "why did you say that?" when he makes a comment he shouldn't have. We are so proud to hear him say he's still single, that's he's focused. Because at the very mention of the word girlfriend, visions of groupies and gold-diggers dance in our head.
There was another rapper who made us feel this way...Pac. Women loved 2Pac for so many reasons that some of us even named our kids after him. Pac was the greatest of all time. That’s how I feel so that's what I’m going to say. That doesn't take anything away from any other rapper. But this is about 50. He been compared to Pac and tends to shy away from the comparison. I say, don't do that. Embrace it because 50 has some of the same qualities that Pac had.

Both are beautiful dark brothas who both can rock a pair of jeans and a wifebeater and make it look like a million bucks. Both of them have those expressive and intense eyes. Comparing Pac and 50 is like comparing spring water and mineral water. They’re so similar that they're almost the same. Listen to Pac then listen to 50. You’ll see so many similarities. They both say whatever it is they want to say. Doesn’t even matter that kids may be present. And they both have the tendency to grab your attention with a cool catchy chorus.

Listen to Ambitionz of a Rida. The first line goes 'I can't deny it, I’m a straight rider, you don't want to fuck with me'. Then listen to Many Men. Doesn’t the intro make you want the driver to hurry the hell up and pull off? LISTEN...50 says 'I’m tryin to be what I’m destined to be but niggas want to take my life away...I’ll put a hole in a nigga for fuckin with me'. You can only lie and say that you didn't feel the same thing hearing those two lines. But Pac is dead and hip hop has been suffering. 50 is the one who gave it a swift kick in the ass and that's why we love Curtis.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A New Job

So, today I started my new job and i'm catching a lot a slack for it, from family and so called friends. They say it's demeaning and I shouldn't do it. My mother even said that it was just as bad a prostitution. I'm talking about phone sex. The way I see it, it's perfect for me. I can make my own hours which gives me time to devote to my writing. I'm not working for anyone else so I don't have anyone on my ass all the time, getting on my nerves, causing me health issues, and more stress than it's worth. And the money is great. Maybe when they see my first paycheck, they'll be a little more understanding. What I make at my nine to five in 2 weeks, I make in a week doing this. So, i'm helping some stranger get his rocks off. It's acting. I'm looking at the bigger picture here and it's a means to an end. This is going to allow me to quit my other job, and be the writer that I'm destined to be and I won't have to move back home with my mother to do it. I really don't care what other people think. It's not porn. It's phone sex. No biggie...

Plus, I'm damn good at it. 8-)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I'm looking at how my life has gone these past few months and I'm wondering, what exactly makes a person a friend to me. Is that person there for me in my time of need? Do we spend time together? Does that person listen when I need him or her to? Can I always be myself around that person? These are questions that I've asked myself over and over because I've always prided myself on being very selective of who I label as my friend. What I've come to realize is that the people I've surrounded myself with over the years who I felt that I wholeheartedly trusted, loved, and cared for, aren't really the type of people who I'd consider my friends now. So, now my question is, as we grow older, experience new things, and go through our ups and downs, do my friends have to change as I change?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Life Changing Decisions

So, what do you do when you're 7 months away from turning 30 and it hits you that you're just going through the motions, living a life that you never envisioned for yourself? Is it possible to have a mid-life crisis before you hit your mid-life? I believe it is but I also believe that what I'm going through is for the best. People keep telling me 'you're young, you're have your whole life ahead of you' but when I look back on the goals and dreams that I had just ten years ago, I feel like I've been holding myself back, afraid of a real challenge, afraid to live the life that was meant for me. Now, I do not know exactly what that life is, however, I do know that I'm not supposed to be unhappy all of the time. Maybe every once in awhile but not every day.
So, I'm going to do something about it. I'm making a life changing decision and I feel so relieved, it's not even funny. Like, once I turned my back on what is holding me back, I see nothing but positive things happening for me. No, I do not think it's too late. I think it's right on time. I have to do what makes me happy and I don't care if I fall down. I'll get back up and try again. I won't be afraid of failure because I can't fail at this. Failure is not an option. From now on, that word is no longer in my vocabulary. So, I'm staying positive and optimistic and I've put myself in a situation where I can do that. For that, I respect myself a little more.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Sunday Morning

For some strange reason, Sunday is the day of the week that I dread most. I use to love Sundays, especially when I was little. Going to church, seeing my cousins, and then getting together with them afterwards. But now, all Sunday feels like is a reminder that Monday is coming and it's sad. Because now, I have the reminder that no matter what I do today, unless I get a call from an agent or publisher, I have to go to a place that makes hell look like Disney World and make just enough money to get me through another week. I have to mentally transform into a person I'm not and I have to stay that person for the next 5 days. It's disheartening.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Getting Published

I've been getting so many emails from my website from fellow authors who want to know how to get published so I'm going to attempt to answer some of their questions. First and foremost, getting published by a traditional publishing house is very very...and I cannot stress this enough...very hard. Traditional houses aren't buying what they used to and aren't taking major chances on first time authors. What is mainly coming out of the traditional houses are books by established authors. Of course, if you're writing a self-help book, and that's currently the trend these days, you may have a better chance. Of course, you will need to be an expert (which can be proven) in whatever you're writing about.
So, in order to get published by a traditonal, and by traditional, I'm talking Random House, Simon & Schuester...etc, you will need to have a killer agent. 99% of publishing companies DO NOT ACCEPT MANUSCRIPTS FROM AUTHORS (unsolicited manuscripts). If you find one that does, lucky you. Get a copy of the 2009 Writer's Market, the 2009 Guide to Literary Agents, subscribe to any website that will give you agent listings, grab a highlighter (the clickable sharpies are the best) and go to town.
After you've compiled a list of agents that you feel would be a good fit for you (remember you're going to be paying this person at least 15%) then you have to write a helluva query letter. And that's hard to do. But a query letter is the first thing an agent sees and it has to pull them in and get their attention. It's the first impression that this agent will have of you and most times, it's the only impression you'll get to make. There are no second chances with query letters.
Once an agent has responded to your letter, they will ask you to provide samples of your work. You should have this ready to send at a moments notice. I personally have the first 100 pages of my book, the first 3 chapters, the first 10 pages, and the entire manuscript saved in a word document, and as a pdf, just in case. I have hard copies and bound review copies ready.
After that, it's a waiting game. If the agent feels like you're work is profitable and that they can sell it, they will offer you a contract. When you sign with an agent, you can breathe and let him/her do their job and sell your book. You can almost relax until the book is sold because after that, there's editing and rewrites, and promotion that goes along with being a published author.
Or you can do what I did and self-publish. I'll save that story for a later post....STANDBY

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Follow Your Dreams?

I was watching something on TV tonight and some famous actor said that in order to "make it out" you have to follow your dreams. And while I do agree with that, what do you do when life, plain and simple, gets in the way of your dreams. When you have bills and kids and illness to deal with, how do you stay on the path of your dream, no matter what it is. How do you devote all of your time and energy into your passion when you don't have the resources to live?
I get so tired of hearing the rich and famous who want for nothing, who's every financial woe is just not a problem talk about how they were able to just devote all their time to their craft and hard work pays off. I've been working hard every day of my life since I was 13 years old and I'm not living my dream. So what am I doing wrong? I wish someone could give me an answer to that question.